Release Tracking

Tideways can track releases to compare performance, failure rate and error occurrances before and after you released changes to your project.

Create Release via REST API

Creating a release event is best done using the REST API endpoint:

Content-Type: application/json

    "apiKey": "api key here",
    "name": "Name of the release",
    "description": "Optional details about the release if necessary",
    "type": "release",
    "environment": "production",
    "service": "web",
    "compareAfterMinutes": 90

Or as a cURL command:

curl -d '{"apiKey": "api key here", "name": "v1.0", "type": "release", "environment": "production", "service": "web", "compareAfterMinutes":90}' -X POST

The following arguments can be set in the payload:

  • apiKey (required) Check to "Project Settings" to find the API key necessary to authenticate the Create Event request.

  • name (required) Name of the release (free-form text field)

  • type (required) Type of the event. Currently supports release and marker.

  • description (optional) More details about the release if you want.

  • environment (optional) The environment this release is performed on, defaults to "production".

  • service (optional) The service this release is performed on, defaults to "web" or the default project service name.

  • compareAfterMinutes (optional) Default is 90 minutes, this is the time span after release event that will be compared. Allowed value is between 5 and 90 minutes.

Create Release via Tideways CLI

Alternatively you can use the tideways CLI command to create an event.

$ tideways event create acme/myapp17 release "v1.0"

Create Release via User Interface

As a third option, you can also create Release events from the user interface. Click on the "0 Events" link on the projects main screen, located in the top right next to response time, requests and failure rate. It will open a view that allows you to add a new release.

Releases and Errors

When you use release events it will interact with errors in the following way:

  • The occurrences counter "since last release" is reset to 0 when the release is for a production environment. You can find out how often each error occurred since the last release.

  • If you use a "New Error/Exception" alert, then every error that occurs again for the first time since the release triggers a new notification.

Further reading

Still need help? Email [email protected]