Upgrade Your Subscription
You can upgrade your subscription to the latest plan or change individual project licenses.
New Features in Recent Tideways Plans
For legacy subscriptions that were created between 2019 and 2023 the following features can be unlocked with an upgrade:
Aggregated Traces - a statistical average of several traces
Tracking of Warnings and Notices
If you have a Tideways plan from 2016 up to 2019 then there are several features missing from your Tideways experience that you can unlock with an upgrade:
Tracepoints - like Breakpoints for Profiling
Aggregated Traces - a statistical average of several traces
Warnings, Notices and Deprecations
Upgrading Existing Subscription
To upgrade navigate to the Billing Details Screen and click on the Upgrade button:
You can then select the plan to switch to:
And review and change the size of each project:
Projects with "staging" licenses or without any requests in the last 30 days will be converted to Profiling Spaces.