Configure Environments

Environments can be configured at the daemon level and managed using the Tideways UI.

Configuration in the Daemon

By default each daemon assumes it is running for the production environment of the project. You can pass the --env flag to start the daemon for a different environment, by creating or modifying the configuration file /etc/default/tideways-daemon to contain:

Configure the Tideways daemon environment using a configuration file
# File: /etc/default/tideways-daemon
# Change "staging1" below as desired. The default is "production"

Alternatively the TIDEWAYS_ENVIRONMENT environment variable can be passed to the daemon, for example when running the daemon inside a docker container.

Make sure to restart the daemon, if you make this change.

After updating the daemon configuration and restarting the daemon, the daemon’s log file (/var/log/tideways/daemon.log) should show that the environment is in use. The new environment will be created as soon as a daemon collects data for it.

In the following example, on line three, you can see that the environment in use is staging1.

2017/09/14 13:48:05 Starting up daemon (version 1.5.9)
2017/09/14 13:48:05 Sending to
2017/09/14 13:48:05 Sending for Environment 'staging1'

See the Daemon Reference Documentation for more information.

Managing Environments in the UI

You can see a list of all environments, toggle which environments are active or inactive and the visibility from Settings  Environments.

Change the Default Environment

In the Settings  Environments dialog, the default environment can be changed from "production" to another environment.

Changing the default environment has an impact on the traces/minute calculation, history collection and the weekly report. These are explained in the change default environment dialog.

Deactivate an Environment

Deactivate an environment in the Tideways UI

To deactivate an active environment, click Deactivate on the far right-hand side of its row in the environment’s list. After doing so, you’ll see its status change to Inactive.

After 45 days an environment gets deleted automatically when it does not record data anymore.

Change Environment Visibility

To edit an existing environment, click Change Visibility button for that environment.

Pick an environment to edit in the Tideways UI

After doing so, you will be on the "_Change Visibility for Environment" form. From there, you can promote the environment to full orlimited visibility, and assign 0, 5, 10, 25, and 50 extra traces per/minute to the environment.

Edit an application environment using the Tideways UI

The following settings can be modified for each environment:




Set the visibility to full or limited for the environment.

Assign extra traces/minute

Tideways distributes the total number of traces according to your project license. Increasing this value will subtract from the current traces limit of the default "production" environment.

After setting the respective values in the form, click Change Environment Settings to apply the changes, and you will be back at the Environments list.

Multiple "Full" Visibility Environments

This feature is available to all recent plans, but not available for legacy plans without a Pro license.

Projects with the Pro licence are allowed to promote multiple environments to full visibility with increased data retention and more than one trace per minute. These extra traces are subtracted from the traces limit of the default "production" environment.


If more than one 'production' environment exists, it looks like this.


Further Reading

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