HTTP Status Code Monitoring

This feature is only available starting with Tideways Daemon version 1.6.32 released in February 2021 and requires the latest subscription plan.

Besides the number of requests and how many of them failed, a breakdown of the observed HTTP status codes is a helpful tool to understand the traffic to a PHP application.

When hovering over a point in time in the performance chart there is a section "HTTP Status Codes" that lists

Requests with various status codes from 200 to 500.

Tideways differentiates between status codes that are grouped and ungrouped.

For status code ranges that represent success (200 and 300) all status codes are grouped into one bucket of 2xx for 200-299 and 3xx or 300-399.

For error codes starting from 400 the frequent and important error codes are counted by themselves and only the infrequent or unimportant ones are agai grouped into a bucket 4xx or 5xx.

The following status codes are not grouped:

  • 400

  • 401

  • 402

  • 403

  • 404

  • 405

  • 500

  • 501

  • 502

  • 503

All other codes are grouped according to the following rules:

  • 100 - 199 as 1xx

  • 200 - 299 as 2xx

  • 300 - 399 as 3xx

  • 406 - 499 as 4xx

  • 504 - 599 as 5xx

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