Maintenance Events
In Tideways you can create a maintenance window for stopping alert notifications in defined time-span per default 60 minutes after generating the event. Creating a maintenance window is best done using the REST API endpoint:
POST Content-Type: application/json { "apiKey": "api key here", "name": "Name of the release", "description": "Optional details about the release if necessary", "type": "maintenance", "environment": "production", "service": "web", "options": ["endAfter": 60] }
Or as a cURL command:
curl -d '{"apiKey": "api key here", "name": "v1.0", "type": "maintenance", "environment": "production", "service": "web", "options": {"endAfter": 60}}' -X POST
The following arguments can be set in the payload:
(required) Check to "Project Settings" to find the API key necessary to authenticate the Create Event request. -
(required) Name of the release (free-form text field) -
(required) Type of the event.maintenance
. -
(optional) More details about the release if you want. -
(optional) The environment this release is performed on, defaults to "production". -
(optional) The service this release is performed on, defaults to "web" or the default project service name. -
(optional) Array \{"endAfter": 60} duration of maintenance timespan, default is 60 minutes.
Alternatively you can use the tideways
CLI command to create an event.
$ tideways event create acme/myapp17 maintenance "backup is running"
As a third option, you can also create Maintenance events from the user interface. Click on the "0 Events" link on the projects main screen, located in the top right next to response time, requests and failure rate. It will open a view that allows you to add a new maintenance event.