Configure Tideways Globally via php.ini

If you have only one application running on your server, then a global installation via php.ini is the most simple approach to get Tideways up and running. The different package installers for Tideways usually create an additional ini file that is automatically included from the central php.ini by the way of a conf.d or php.d extra directory. This file is usually automatically called 40-tideways.ini and you can open and modify it to make your necessary changes:

The API Key is only required configuration to make Tideways work. You can find the unique application API key inside the Tideways UI by opening up the Dropdown in the top right when inside the application, then click Application Settings. In the following screen scroll down to "API Key" section where you find an input field to copy the API Key from.

The following additional primary INI Settings can be configured:

INI Setting





You can define different services in your project to group the monitoring traffic into independent groups with their own performance, failure-rate and transaction data.

See theĀ dedicated Services configuration page for more information.



The percentage of how many requests are executed with the Timeline Profiler activated ("being sampled"). All other requests are still monitored for their performance and potential errors/exceptions.

See theĀ dedicated Sampling configuration page for more information.

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