Beta Testing

We test all new features that require changes to the PHP extension or daemon by publishing beta versions of the tideways-php and tideways-daemon packages.

Please be aware that we are using the beta channel to test all new releases and while we do have extensive automated tests and quality control, the stability of beta builds is not guaranteed and we advise to only use the packages selectively for testing features and not in production.

If you enable the beta testing support, you will receive test versions from the "tideways-php", "tideways-daemon", "tideways-cli" and "tideways-proxy" packages automatically when they become available.

You can recognize test versions of all tideways packages on their version number. Uneven mini versions are always beta versions of a package, for example 5.3.3 or 1.6.27.

Using beta builds on Ubuntu/Debian

Modify the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tideways.list file to include our beta repository:

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tideways.gpg] any-version main
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tideways.gpg] any-version main

Then execute the following commands afterwards:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tideways-php tideways-daemon
When you are using the tideways-proxy you should also update it to the latest beta build if available.

Using beta builds on CentOS/Red Hat

Create a new repository file the /etc/yum.repos.d/tideways-beta.repo with the following contents:

name = TidewaysBeta
baseurl =

You can then update the repository and install packages from the beta repository:

yum makecache --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=tidewaysbeta
Still need help? Email [email protected]