The Tideways Event Create Command

You can create events for the timeline using the command line tool by calling:

$ tideways event create \
	acme/myapp17 \
	release \
	"Deployed v1.2.5"

Command Arguments

The arguments for the command in order are:

--description, -d

(optional value) Default is empty

--compareAfterMinutes, -m

(optional value) Default is 90 minutes.

This is the time span after release event that will be compared

--environment, -e

(optional value) Default is production.

Environment name to attach this event to.

--service, -s

(optional value) Defaults to the application’s default service.

Service name to attach this event to.


(required value) Name of the project


(required value) eventType currently supports release or marker for releases of the project


(required value) Title of your release

Example with optional value  --compareAfterMinutes:

$ tideways event create \
	--compareAfterMinutes=15 \
	acme/myapp17 \
	release \
	"Deployed v1.2.5"

Types of Events

The following event types exist:


Release events represent the time of a release of a new software version.


A marker event represents an arbitrary event of technical or non-technical nature, such as Upgrades, Reboots or Marketing Campaigns.

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