Enable Callgraph and Timeline

These methods are only available with Tideways Extension Version 5.0.46 and higher. Please upgrade the extension to the latest version before using this API.

When you are debugging performance problems a full callgraph of all function calls can give you more detailed insights then a regular timeline trace. If you want to trigger a callgraph for a select operation in your application code, then you can trigger it with this following Extension-API-Call:


if (class_exists('Tideways\Profiler')) {

The callgraph profiler can only be activated when Tideways is sampling the request, that means the Sample Rate has lead to a positive tracing decision. If you want to be 100% sure to enable the callgraph profiler via the previous API call, then you can also force the tracing profiler to start, which is a programmatic way of setting the sampling rate to 100%:


if (class_exists('Tideways\Profiler')) {

The request of your application was already running until you enabled tracing or callgraph profiling. To see when in your request the Profiler was started, the timeline shows a 'tracing-start' event marker. The timeline should be mostly empty on the left side of this marker, because the instrumentation was only activated afterwards.

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