Collecting for multiple environments on one server
For technical reasons each tideways-daemon can handle exactly one environment. This means if you have a project runs with multiple environments on one server, this is not possible with the default setup of the tideways-daemon.
You can start the daemon multiple times on one server to get support for multiple environments.
Start the daemon for a second (or third time, …) for each additional environment on the server.
tideways-daemon --hostname="$HOSTNAME-staging" --env=staging --address=/var/run/tideways/tidewaysd-staging.sock --log=/var/log/tideways/daemon-staging.log
You should wrap this in a service, by copying the systemd service unit file from
to create a new "tideways-daemon-staging" unit that you can use to control the process and restart it after reboots.[Unit] Description=Tideways Daemon Staging [Service] Type=simple User=tideways Environment=TIDEWAYS_DAEMON_LOGFILE=/var/log/tideways/daemon-staging.log Environment=HOSTNAME=foobar-staging EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/tideways-daemon ExecStart=/usr/bin/tideways-daemon --log=${TIDEWAYS_DAEMON_LOGFILE} $TIDEWAYS_DAEMON_EXTRA --hostname=${HOSTNAME} --env=staging --address=/var/run/tideways/tidewaysd-staging.sock PermissionsStartOnly=true ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/tideways ExecStartPre=/bin/chown tideways: /var/run/tideways Restart=always [Install]
Then in php.ini for the project running in staging environment you can do:
or setting the environment variable via Nginx vhost (via PHP-fpm pool or Apache is also possible through their APIs).