Organizations and Projects

This page is a glossary for multiple terms and concepts that exist in Tideways related to how an account is structured and organized.




To access Tideways each user has an account with their e-mail address and personal password. A user account is private to each user and should not be shared between multiple people. You can either register directly for a user account or get invited via e-mail by someone to create a user account.


An organization in Tideways represents a company, non-profit association or another entity with the goal of monitoring and profiling one or many websites.

The administrator of an organization can invite other users to become members of the organization. Each organization has at least one member (the owner or admin), but can have an unlimited number of members.

Each organization has one or many projects for the purpose of monitoring and profiling the organizations web applications.


A project is the unit that collects the monitoring and profiling data for a web application of the organization. Multiple projects can exist per organization to represent different, independent web applications. A project can also be split into services and/or environments.


A service within a project represents a part of the application within your project, for example the frontend, admin interface or a specific microservice.


An environment within a project represents a target where the application(s) are deployed to for example production, staging, UAT or multiple production clusters.

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